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 Major Groups | Insecta (insects) | Odonata (dragonflies, damselflies) | Calopterygidae

Neurobasis australis

Major Group: Insecta
Order: Odonata
Family: Calopterygidae
Genus: Neurobasis
Species: australis
This family is represented in Australia by a single species, Neurobasis australis. Nymphs from this family are unknown in Australia. The description below is based on the Asian and New Guninean species.

Descriptive Features:

  • labium flat, lacking major setae, median lobe deeply cleft
  • labial palps narrow with 3 sharp distal teeth
  • pedicel of antenna enlarged
  • abdomen usually slender;
  • gills elongate, median gill lamellate, lateral gills triquetral
  • Total length: 

    Neurobasis chinensis from Papua New guinea

    Taxonomic Checklist:
    Neurobasis australis
    Selys, 1897

    Distribution: N Qld is the expected distribution, nymphal specimens have not been collected in Australia this century or the last.

    Sensitivity Rating: none

    Functional Feeding Group: predators


    tributary of Barron River, Kuranda Qld

    Ecology: Adults are commonly known as 'demoiselles'.
    Instream habitat: Neurobasis australis occurs in lotic waters. Australasian Neurobasis species are found amongst gravel and rocks in clear, fast flowing creeks, streams and rivers, mostly within forested areas
    Feeding ecology: Nymphs are predators.
    Life history: Australasian Neurobasis males are territorial and defend potential oviposition sites. Females usually lay their eggs on submerged floating root mats or plants, usually at a depth of 5-15 cm below the water surface.


    Information Sources: Houston 1988, Gunther 2006, Michalski 2006, Theischinger & Hawking 2006